Support Animal Rights Prisoners newsletter #1-5 (1991 – Northampton, England)
Barry was one of the most dedicated activists our struggle has ever known, but it would be a disservice to him to strip him of his humanity by pretending that he was without error. There are some poorly examined ideas in the pages of SARP that deserve measured critique, but for every weakness there are also beautiful moments that give voice to our imprisoned comrades, remember our dead, and call for nothing less than a revolution to liberate non-humans. Barry wrote with an intensity and single minded dedication that reminds us of just how precious each second spent fighting is, and how we must stop wasting those ticks of the clock. To Barry, life, and even death, should be utilized battling the scourge of speciesism. These newsletters are Barry’s voice ringing out from decades past, telling us to ACT NOW in solidarity with the animal nations.