Do or Die was a monumental achievement of internal communication for the radical environmental movement. Self critical, smart-assed, and information dense- there is no better source material for this era of wilderness defense.
Judi Bari
The Complete Underground
Underground 1-17 (1994-2002. Victoria, BC / Toronto, ON / Willowdale, ON Canada)
The history covered in these volumes spans the most active period of direct actions for non-humans in both Canada and the United States. Among the various news articles and opinion pieces one can find plenty of infighting and internal critique, and often those debates ended up being the reason the next issue was delayed. Underground was plagued by the same problems as most small press, volunteer efforts: lack of funding, constantly rotating staff, and difficulties with printers and distributors. Despite all of this, Underground was amazing! Each issue was eagerly awaited during it’s print run, and it was widely read among the more radical portions of the movement.